The economic contribution of the Scottish Aquaculture Sector

The aquaculture sector in Scotland is an important provider of employment in Rural Scotland and represents the UK’s largest food export by value. In 2019, Marine Scotland commissioned BiGGAR Economics to undertake a study into the direct and wider economic impacts of the Aquaculture sector in Scotland

The scope of the aquaculture sector for this study was defined as including the following activities:

  • finfish cultivation;
  • shellfish cultivation; and
  • cultivated finfish and shellfish processing.

As part of this study BiGGAR Economics consulted extensively with aquaculture companies, sector bodies and public sector agencies. We also analysed in detail the supply chain and expenditure profile of companies in the sector, in addition to considering the public accounts of companies in the sector over the medium term. This analysis found that :

In 2018 the aquaculture sector supported 11,700 jobs in the Scottish economy and generated £885 million GVA

The majority of the Gross Value Added (GVA) was from Salmon Production, which accounted for £585 million GVA.

In addition, the study also found that:

  • The aquaculture sector purchased 76% of its supplies from Scotland;
  • Staff costs accounted for 12% of the turnover of the aquaculture sector;
  • Over time, staff costs have grown as the sector has expanded and become more productive; and
  • The activities of the sector generated £94.1 million taxes paid to local, Scottish and UK governments.

The full report can be accessed below:

Posted 23.09.20

