The Economic Impact of the University of Northampton

The University of Northampton generates an annual economic impact in Northamptonshire of £366 million Gross Value Added (GVA) and 5,410 jobs. It is an anchor institution driving economic growth and supporting communities across the County.

In 2023/24, the University generated a quantifiable economic impact of:

  • £366 million GVA and 5,410 jobs in Northamptonshire; and
  • £456 million GVA and 6,390 jobs in the Oxford Cambridge Arc; and
  • £823 million GVA and 10,610 jobs in the UK.

In 2023/24, the University had an income of £195.5 million. Therefore, for every £1 of income received, the University of Northampton generated more than £4 in economic impact across the UK (inclusive of long-term graduate impacts). 

As well as generating economic impacts through its core activities of teaching, research and knowledge exchange, the University plays a wider role in supporting the economy and communities of Northamptonshire and the wider region. Examples of the University’s impacts include:

  • Its strong relationships with businesses and the public sector. It is a trusted and impartial partner that can bring together key institutions to overcome common problems.
  • It provides a ready workforce for some of the biggest employers in the local area and supports foundational services such as the NHS and the police.
  • It works with local schools to lift the aspirations of school pupils in deprived areas who face barriers to entering higher education.
  • It supports local charities and community organisations, such as Northampton Town Football Club who it sponsors.
  • It makes the centre of Northampton more vibrant and dynamic through the presence of its staff and students.

Above all, the University contributes to the human and social capital of the area. It produces graduates who go on to use the human capital that they have acquired to create value in the economy for their whole working lives. And it is an anchor institution that understands and communicates the needs of the area, acting in ways that will continue to increase the prosperity of Northamptonshire. 

Further Reading

For additional reading, including the full report, follow the links below:

Posted 10.12.24

